
  1. Hello ^^

    Sorry to use this blog to contact you but I didn’t find any other way to do it.

    First, I wanted to thank you a lot for your amazing work 🙂

    Then, I wanted to submit you a bug, a translation and a suggestion for the website http:// ff14angler.com/

    1) The bug

    Let’s say I want to use the menu to find a fish. So i select the fish i want and i click on the search button. At this point, I am on the fish page. From here, if I want to find a bait or an area with the menu, it won’t work because the fish i wanted first is still selected in the menu instead to be reset. So the website think I am looking for a fish and a bait or an area so it doesn’t find anything.

    2) A translation

    I’m french and i use the website in french. All translations are correct or at least not too bad except the one you put in the title of the website : Cat eu faim.
    I think you used a translator to find it and you translated it from english to french (I said this because the translator gives you “Cat” instead of “Chat”. It probably thinks that it was a name because of the C instead of c).
    So in french, a better translation should be “Le chat affamé” or “Les chats affamés” (the first translation is for 1 cat, the second translation is for more that 1 cat, im not sure which one is it in japanese).

    3) A suggestion

    The only information which is missing on your website is the weather. This informations is given by your members in japanese. The problem is that when we use a translator to understand which weather is needed, it’s not always very clear, like this comment (it’s not the only one) : “快晴 ET18:00 獲得349でHQ釣れました”
    Google translator say the weather is “ensoleillé”, “légèrement nuageux”, “averse” or “pluie”.
    In french, “ensoleillé” is this weather : http://xivdbimg.zamimg.com/images/icons/060000/060201.png
    “légèrement nuageux” is this weather : http://xivdbimg.zamimg.com/images/icons/060000/060202.png or this one http://xivdbimg.zamimg.com/images/icons/060000/060203.png
    “averse” is this weather : http://xivdbimg.zamimg.com/images/icons/060000/060208.png
    “pluie” is this weather : http://xivdbimg.zamimg.com/images/icons/060000/060207.png

    So like you can see, it’s a bit hard to understand which weather is the good one. My suggestion is : Can you add the icon of the weather somewhere on the fish page please ? ^^

    In case you see to find the icons, you can get all of them here : http://jp.xivdb.com/?weather

    I hope you will have this (long) message and i thank you in advance for everything you could do.


    1. コメント有り難うございます。

      1) The bug

      2) A translation

      JP: 空腹のネコ猫はお腹がすいた
      EU: Cat hugryCat became hungry
      FR: chat eut faim (?)

      3) A suggestion

      1. Thank you for the reply.

        1) It works now. Thank you ^^

        2) FR : Le chat a faim

        3) It’s perfect. Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. はじめまして!わたしもFF14の1プレイヤーのyossyです!







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    1. コメント有り難うございます。

  3. はじめまして。


    どうぞよろしくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m

    1. コメント有り難うございます。



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